The Production of Space – Henri Lefebvre

In this article Lefebvre defines the Bauhaus as being first in creating a global concept of space. Lefebvre is of the opinion that change within the practice is closely linked to social change. The author rejects thinking of space within typological categories. He is highly interested in to many layers of space, and space that does not resist time. In this way he also resists notions of abstraction, preferring an abundance of meaning, not reductionist approach.  He makes the interesting distinction of abstract space as not being homogeneous, instead homogeneity is it’s goal. I suppose this is like putting a lens into focus, it is important that we see only certain things at time. It is difficult to know what is best to leave out of the picture, but the clarity is invaluable. Could the information lost through abstraction be mediated by a greater number of varied abstractions?


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